Our team

Founder of the business, Kate brings wisdom, skills & experience as an established coach, supervisor and DEI specialist. She currently coaches for the International Coaching Federation Social Impact Program with Red Cross International GLOW, the Make a Wish Foundation, and the ICF NSW Ignite Life Education Program.
With an advanced degree in Education, a Professional Coach Certification (PCC) and a strong background in DEI leadership in higher education across six Australian universities, Kate was awarded Life Membership of the Equity Practitioners in Higher Education Association Australasia in 2019.
Kate has DEI experience in the 'for purpose', corporate and humanitarian sectors, and couples this with a strong volunteering ethos. Kate currently sits on the North Sydney Council Access & Inclusion Committee, and volunteers weekly at Addi-Road Community Organisation.
professional coaching
coach supervision with focus on diversity equity and inclusion
mentoring for people-leaders and diversity practitioners
inclusive leadership (C-suite / Boards)
strategy co-design and action planning
reviews, program design, consultations
DEI data interrogation & intersectional analysis

Heather brings years of DEI leadership experience & expertise in workplace conflict diagnosis & investigations. She has a strong background in the higher education sector with recent independent consulting to Local Area Councils and financial sector.
For 15 years, Heather was Principal Adviser for Equity, Diversity and Policy at Griffith University in Queensland. As well as individual and organisational leadership awards for gender equity, Heather was honoured with Life Membership of the Equity Practitioners in Higher Education Association Australasia in 2019.
workplace conflict diagnoses & investigations
DEI mentoring
gender equity
LGBTIQA+ & Ally-ship
strategy & action planning

Roman Ruzbacky
Roman brings more than 20+years of experience in DEI data analysis, leadership in strategy design & implementation & programs which aim to build happier and more inclusive workplace cultures. He has extensive experience in both the private and public sector, as well as 'for purpose' organisations.
Past-President of the EEON from 2017-2022 (Equal Employment Opportunity Network Victoria ) and current Director of DEI at Diversity Atlas.
Roman believes in giving back and is currently a
probono Advisor for the Australian Human Resources Institute, and Swimming Victoria
data analysis including (& beyond) state & federal compliance (Australia.)
gender pay gap investigations and remediation
strategy co-design
DEI education and facilitation
networks, forums & events

Catherine Stuckings
Catherine brings many years of expertise in disability inclusion and accessibility from her strategy, projects and services roles with staff and students across three Australian universities - the University of Melbourne, RMIT and UNSW.
Having worked extensively in the education, 'for purpose' & health sectors, Catherine is a fierce champion for DEI, well-being & positive social change. Catherine is a creative problem solver, innovator and exceptional communicator. A qualified psychotherapist, meditation practitioner and artist, Catherine adds value by weaving these creative and artistic elements into her work.
disability inclusion, accessibility strategy & action planning
universal design
mental health & well-being
workplace adjustments / reasonable accommodations